G20 London Protest Police Trying To Barricade Protestors

Police officers injured, smoke bombs, many problems now. Does activism work? Do protesters make a bad name for justice? How do we end the violence?

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Published by sagehorse

Too many degrees. Not enough time & space to explain why.

2 thoughts on “G20 London Protest Police Trying To Barricade Protestors

  1. Public protest has always been a vital form of free speech, and is most necessary when those in power (governments and corporations) have failed in their duty to respect the public at large. (pollution, warfare, greed)

    That said, intelligent discourse typically wins out over violence, as demonstrated by Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., yet at times the only thing the powerful understand is violence – witness the French and American revolutions. (Interesting to observe how people are seen as freedom fighters or terrorists – depending on which side of the fence you’re on.)

    So while I personally choose to pursue every method other than violence, the question being asked by many is whether the global powers have violated the very core of humanity to such an extend that a global revolution is the only way to clean house.

  2. Very interesting. I do believe there have been violations to the “very core of humanity” as you suggest, but I disagree that a violent global revolution is the answer.

    We are in desperate need of global leadership. I think Barack Obama can be that leader, at least for now. We need policies, regulations and technologies that reach everyone in the world via cell phones, twitter and telecommunications.

    A global democracy can be nonviolent if we give everyone a voice.

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